Think about it: Our own culture and ways of life are so tightly linked to those in Japan. We should be hurting as much as they are right now. We need to be doing everything we can to help them get back on their feet.
You may be thinking, “Yeah, right Meghan. I’m not into any of that Manga stuff, so I have absolutely no ties to Japan whatsoever.”
My first reaction to that would be something along the lines of: SHUT THE F UP! These people need our help! The Japanese would sure as hell help us if something like that devastated our country.
My second reaction would be: Did you watch Pokemon as a child? While the rumors of its creator being killed in the earthquake/tsunami have been put to rest, it is still something (no matter how small) that c

To quote Lea Michelle’s tweet, “Japan needs our help. Please help by texting REDCROSS to 90999 to make a $10 donation. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone there...” So, if you can, please please please do this for the people of Japan. They need our help!
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